
Wednesday 30 November 2011

Everything on “Australian ISPs Anti-FileSharing Scheme” Proposal

Rising Incidents of illegal file sharing on a global platter have compelled the responsible people to sit together and think of a unanimous solution that could combat such a problem from the roots. Of the many countries seriously affected by copyright infringement in the form of file sharing, Australia is among the most suffered ones. Despite of its persistent attempts to nail down this illicit act, the tug of war between the right holders and the users of internet ceases to find its end. In a major outbreak in November this year, apropos to this burning issue, several concerned groups have joined forces to give way for a consensus without attacking on the users’ right to freedom in the form of ‘A Scheme to Address Online Copyright Infringement’, proposal. Let us know in deep what is this scheme all about 
Motive of Scheme
It intends to eradicate the problem of copyright infringement by spreading proper awareness among the internet users. For this, the concerned right holders have proposed a warning through letter process that includes Education Notice, three Copyright Infringement Notice’ (CIN) and finally a Discovery Notice. If despite of receiving all these notices, the account holder fails to halt the file sharing activities, he would be sent a court order on behalf of the rights holders.
Who Proposed it?
It is a combined effort of the responsible bodies including the Communications Alliance, telecom companies such as Ericsson Australia and AAPT, the Internet Industry Association (IIA) and finally a group of 5 internet Service providers namely, iiNet, Internnode, iPrimus, Telstra Bigpond and Optus.
‘A Scheme to Address Online Copyright Infringement’ postulates the framework of a ‘Notice Scheme’ that intends to educate the internet users of the activities that they should perform if their internet connection is found to have been involved in the act of copyright infringement. The rights holders would monitor the file-sharing networks for any such unlawful practice with the help of duly tested and pre-approved systems. They would then send the notices to the respective ISPs within 14 days time that are providing services to the users of IP address who are found to be infringing the online content. The ISPs would in turn have to send the infringement notice to the user or account holder of the concerned IP address in the next 14 days.
Education Notice: Whenever an internet user is approached for the very first time in connection with the illegal file-sharing matter, he/she would receive would be entitled to get an ‘Education Notice’. It will inform the subscribers about the infringement being carried out on their part without mentioning the original content. This will be followed by the necessary information regarding the location from where they can access legal content.
Copyright Infringement Notice (CIN): If despite of receiving Education Notice, if the user is again found accused of infringing within a time span of 1 year, the scheme proposes to send him a ‘Copyright Infringement Notice’ (CIN). Alike the education notice, this one would contain the details of the content thus infringed as well.
Divorce Notice: This would be the last nail in the coffin. If the internet subscriber fails to respond to the education notice and three consecutive CINs, the ISPs would be entitled to send them a final notice that would be known as ‘Discovery Notice’. Once this notice has been sent, it would depend on the rights holders to decide the fate of the user found guilty of copyright violation. They may send a court order to know the identity of the subscribers with the intention to sue them under the law.
The Pros
At any of the stages of the proposal, it gives the subscribers the opportunity to appeal against the notice. Moreover, unlike the stiff laws in other parts of the world such as in New Zealand, the ISPs have proposed no ‘graduated response’ as a measure to deal with the infringers who are persistent in carrying out the infringement. This simply negates the possibility of internet suspension or disconnection and tries to being the things under control through healthier ways unlike what New Zealand did.  Through such a positive effort, the rights holders believe that the serious issue of copyright infringement in Australia could be controlled to a great extent. As per John Stanton, CEO at Communications Alliance, the Notice Scheme would act significantly in protecting the consumer rights, making the consumers aware of the ill effects of infringement and in assisting them to access the content over the internet through legal ways.
The Cons
The incidents of illegal file sharing have only increased throughout these years. With a scheme of such nature, based on warnings, the ISPs would run the need to send more notices to the internet subscribers than usual. However, as an irony, the proposal restricts the individual ISPs to send out a maximum of 100 notices. To add further, when combined together the warnings of all the ISPs should not exceed 10,000 in the starting trial period of 18 months. The operating cost to see this scheme the light of the day is also big concern.
Bottom Line
The scheme is a welcome effort on the part of the rights holders and indeed protects the individual rights of the internet subscribers without affecting their freedom. However, considering the limitations of warnings for the infringing subscribers, the proposal may have to acquire the backseat. Hence, to maintain a balance, some positive amendments would be worthwhile.
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to remain updated with all the everything on Worldwide Internet Censorship.
You can also see here the all time Top 10 VPN Providers list.
Wish you a Happy and Private Internet Life !!

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Best Dedicated Europe VPN

VPN is not a new thing for the net savvy people, instead its use has only increased in the past few years. Be it US, China, gulf nations or any of the European countries, this anonymity providing network has been a preferred source to bypass filtering.
Considering its proliferating importance, a wide array of dedicated VPN service providers have emerged in the arena, each claiming to supersede the rests. At this juncture, the discussion regarding the role of Europe VPN in allowing the access of blocked websites is worthwhile.

Why dedicated Europe VPN

Though shared VPNs can also solve the purpose of being anonymous over the internet if you do not want to be identified while accessing any of the streaming websites, a new site, VoIP over Skype, or blocked social networking sites.
However, if you own a business and have to transfer confidential data over the internet to your customers or business partners  spread across European nations, chances are brighter for you to have an IP that is not shared with anyone else.
This helps in maintaining security of your data and also negates the possibility of intrusion of any third party bot in to your network. Dedicated VPN is the best choice to opt for in such circumstances.

Benefits of Europe VPN

Europe is all engrossed with nations where people rise early to an internet diet and go to bed only after catching up with the latest updates of their favorite TV program through live streaming. But thanks to the censorships running down the roots of these countries, you may not be able to have a complete internet access with some websites being blocked or having restricted permission for use.
To make up for such a misery, VPN has proved to be providing the much-coveted respite. Whether it is to access BBC iPlayer, NetFlix, Pandora, Hulu or any other site which is blocked in the countries aloof of its originating country, VPN dares to break the rules and allows you to have full access to these links no matter where you are and which IP o you use.

Dedicated European VPN

Among some of the best VPNs offering dedicated IP that could help you to access blocked websites from Europe, PureVPN steals the show with IAPS VPN securing the very next spot. Both have considerable number of servers located in multiple companies and offer due security during the data transaction.
Strong VPN and Cyberghost VPN are the next ones to capture the attention of internet freaks who could even die to assure anonymity. All these and many more VPN providers are there to help you make the most of what you always wanted to. You can leverage their services in almost any of the OS such as Windows, Linux, MacOS, android and on any of the devices including Computer, netbook, iPhone, iPod, iPad, PSP and so on.

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to remain updated with all the everything on VPN Services.

Monday 28 November 2011

Best VPN for India

VPN or the virtual private network has been the most sought after modes to help the users get connected to the internet in total anonymity. Same as in the other parts of the world, India is also a prospective country in terms of its usage. People here are more net savvy than in any other country and possess an extended taste of net surfing that encompasses the websites from almost all the walks of life. If unfortunately, they are unable to access a particular website due to restriction from the host or from the concerned ISP, it is this VPN that acts as an oxygen mask.

What is the need for VPN in India

India is not only a land of Indians, in the rapidly changing global equations; it has become the epicenter of technology that has invited innumerable head counts from the global arena. Foreseeing the burgeoning opportunities and talented workforce here, a bulk of multi-national companies are making their foray into this majestic land.
As a result, many foreigners barge their way to India to continue with their jobs or business. For obvious reasons, they would also like to use all those internet facilities that they have been already enjoying in their own country.
Some of the websites they want to open may be accessible easily while for others they may have still to struggle. In such a circumstance, opting for a capable VPN provider would be a smart decision on their part. However, they need to make sure that the concerned vendor is providing them the IP of their preferred location or not, else it is simply the wastage of money.
Even the Indians are now more familiar with the foreign websites for entertainment and to achieve their business related goals. Such a change in the recent times is probably due to their migration to other countries for work or for studies. In addition, their enthusiasm towards having a deeper knowledge about a particular country, language, place or culture could also fire their desire to use VPN.

Why VPN in India

The selection of a particular VPN vendor Best Vpn for India stems significantly on the reason behind choosing it. Such as:
  • To  access streaming websites such as Hulu, YouTube, Netflix, BBC iPlayer, Pandora, MetaCafe and so on
  • To access the file sharing websites that have been blocked in India
  • To avoid Unwanted Indian government monitoring of your internet traffic and browsing habits
  • To carry on with your business that is extended beyond borders and includes multiple countries where you have to communicate with your employees, clients or business partners
  • To keep abreast of the latest happenings in a particular country or countries for some research work
  • To establish communication with your friends located in some other country through VoIP facility such as Skype where you cannot use it directly, without VPN
All these and many more reasons heavily dominate your decision making while choosing the best VPN that could help you to access your craved but blocked websites.

Best VPN for India

Abiding by the above parameters, there are a plenty of VPN service providers that could satisfy all your specific requirements and could help you carry on with your preferred work in total anonymity over the internet. Of all these, Hidemyass is the most widely used one that allows you to access blocked websites from your preferred location without interruption.
The next to follow include IAPS, OverPlay, SwitchVPN, WiTopia and more.
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to remain updated with all the everything on VPN Services.

Buy VPN with Liberty Reserve Payment

Making payment for VPN services are now much easier than it used to be at its nascent stages. In the recent times, many online payment services have been introduced that work on the concept of online wallet and digital currency. Moreover, users also prefer to switch over to far sophisticated and secure payment methods so that their investments may not go in vain. Liberty Reserve is among the most widely payment method that adhere to all such requirements of the VPN users nowadays.

A brief introduction to Liberty Reserve

It is a currency exchange system initiated by Liberty Reserve S.A, Costa Rica and consists of two types of currencies, i.e. Liberty Reserve USD for American Dollars (LRUSD) and Liberty Reserve Euro (LSEUR) for Europe. The currency is widely used for adding and withdrawing funds to and from Bitcoin Exchange Markets.

Features of Liberty Reserve

Through its quick wallet service, it allows you quick and hassle free access account to assure prompt payments without any security nightmares. Should you want to make instant payments, this LR wallet comes in handy. To move further, Liberty Reserve also allows you to make private payments, i.e. you need not to reveal your account number while making payment to the other party, such as your VPN service provider.

So what else does it offer?

Liberty Reserve is not merely restricted to making payments, but alongside, it also allows you to leverage its built-in messaging feature. The online facility helps its registered members to send and receive private messages from clients, business partners and more with the help of this privileged service.

Advantage of Liberty Reserve Payment

Most of the VPN users existing China and in Middle East Nations such as Iran find it hard to make payments for the services, thanks to the US sanctions. Prominent payment processors such as Paypal and payment services such as Credit cards have been instructed not to accept any financial transactions from users in these countries.
Consequently, they face problems in accessing the services of VPN; either they have to contact their friends residing in US or other parts of the world for payment or do not access internet at all. To help them, Liberty Reserve prove to be a sigh of relief since most of the VPN providers have started accepting payments through this digital currency system.
Though it may take some time for the transaction to complete but considering the fact that it finally helps the people in these countries to access VPN, such a delay is quite acceptable.

VPN providers with Liberty Reserve Payment

In the recent times, many VPN providers have adopted Liberty Reserve as one of significant payment modes. This in turn has enabled innumerable users to use VPN services uninterruptedly that were otherwise barred for them.
Below is  a list of VPN providers that accept Liberty Reserve payment. Hope it may be helpful for your cause as well.
VPN Provider Starting Price Details
HidemyAss $11.52/ Month See Details
PureVPN $9.95/Month See Details
IAPS VPN $12.95/Month See Details
ibVPN $4.95/Month See Details
Switch VPN $13.95/Month See Details
iVPN $15/Month See Details
MicroVPN $7/Month See Details
Cryptocloud $19.95/Month See Details
VPNProNet $8/Month See Details
Switch VPN $9.95/Month See Details
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to remain updated with all the everything on VPN Services.

Thursday 24 November 2011

Bestvpnservice.com Season Celebration Offer!!

With great celebrations and best wishes, Bestvpnservice is always there to celebrate all events with our internet security seeking friends and visitors.


Before the biggest event of Christmas coming in the next month. Let’s not forget to celebrate the awesome days of November with days like  
Thanksgiving, Black Friday & Cyber Monday… These amazing events bring out the most electrifying exclusive offers globally as these are one of the biggest social shopping events and days with everyone focusing on getting the best deal of all.
When everybody is offering something, we thought of bringing you one hell of a deal!!
Celebration Offer Details
  1. Get two months by paying for only 1.
  2. Buy 1 Month VPN Account of Pure VPN through Bestvpnservice.com and get additional 1 Month recurring account for free!!!
  3. VPN Account is Featured with :
    1. Protocols ( PPTP, L2TP and SSTP)
    2. Supported OS ( Windows, Mac  and Linux)
    3. Supported Devices ( iPhone, iPad, iPod, Android, Windows Mobile, Boxee, etc)
    4. That’s not it! 1 Lucky winner will get a chance to win New Blackberry Playbook which worth of $500.
    5. Price only 9.95 USD.

How to Participate

  1. Click on the “Get It Now” Button below and follow the purchase process.
  2. After successfully going through the process of buying VPN account. You need to email your USER ID at surprise@bestvpnservice.com. ( Account details & USER ID will be given by PureVPN)
  3. Or you can also email your UserID to PureVPN at support@purevpn.com to get enrolled in Lucky Draw to win BlackBerry Playbook. Subject should be “Bestvpnservice.com Playbook Promotion”.
Terms & Conditions
  1. Simply, you need to buy PureVPN Account by clicking on the button below.
  2. Your account will be renewed for another month which means that after paying $9.95. You will be given VPN Account for 2 Months.
  3. Offer ends 28/11/2011.
  4. Lucky Draw for The New Blackberry Playbook will take place on Tuesday i.e. 29/11/2011 which happens to be the end of Cyber Monday, and winner will be announced the same day.
  5. All VPN accounts will be renewed before the end of next week.
So, Hurry up guys what are you waiting for..? Win 1 Month VPN and BlackBerry Playbook Now!!!!

Wednesday 23 November 2011

10 Fastest VPN Service Providers

VPN service providers nowadays are prompt to pay attention to the services they are already offering to their clients and evaluate them on different parameters. Each of them consists at least one special feature that separates it from the rests in the league.
It could be multiple protocol support, the VPN client they offer, support for mobile devices, payment options such as Bitcoin/liberty reserve, speed and so on.  Though all these options are equally important and play significant role in making up your mind selecting for an appropriate VPN, yet speed is the most defining factor and is worthy of a detailed discussion.
Best VPN providers in terms of speed
Every VPN provider claims to offer exceptional speed, fair enough to enable the users continue working over the internet for hours without getting disconnected. Some of the prominent ones in this regard may include HideMyAss, PureVPN, OverplayVPN, ExpressVPN, StrongVPN, IAPS and more. While the list is tail long, it would be better to restrict our discussion to the most widely preferred ones.

IAPS VPN is no doubt the fastest I have tested. It gives you the best download speeds, plus IPs from more than 175 countries worldwide. It offers PPTP VPN, L2TP VPN, SSTP VPN and SSH Tunnel Protocol. PPTP and L2TP are fastest of all, whereas SSTP goes little slower due to higher level of encryption. Please note that that picture shown above is of IAPS VPN.

It possesses a considerable speed, very much similar to the one you would experience on your normal internet connection. All the activities including uploading and downloading of audio, video and image files can be carried out satisfyingly without consuming too much of additional time. The speed however may differ depending on the protocol you are using, whether OpenVPN or PPTP. Overall, the VPN has been highly successful in drawing the attention of millions of users worldwide.
Pure VPN
It is among the rare VPN provider that offers SSTP support in all its packages. In addition, it also consists of the regular L2TP and PPTP support.  To check out its speed specifications, you can try out its 3-day free trial account on your own using speedtest.net.
Alternatively, you can abide by the review websites that offer you a detailed test of Pure VPN speed on both the L2TP and SSTP backed servers. After performing persistent tests for its servers located in 13 countries, you will probably observe its L2TP to be way better than SSTP.
However, considering the added volume of security the latter offers while browsing the internet, opting for SSTP PureVPN service won’t be a bad decision either. Still, VPN with L2TP support would be better if you are craving for speed over anything else.
This VPN provider has an interesting feature for you to avail regarding speed test. You can browse through the speed test page of its website or can Google it out to go for a live speed test. you can check the speed from its varied live servers located in UK, US and Ireland.
On clicking the Run tests, you can look out for the current upload and download  speed on your own. After doing a similar procedure, we found that its US server has the best speed followed by the UK and Ireland server, in that order. Going by the company image, Overplay VPN is among the topmost VPN providers.
It has its servers located in the best part of the world, covering a staggering 48 countries and allows you to encrypt and hence secure your VPN connection like no one else.
Express VPN
It is a personal VPN service that offers capable support for all the known VPN Protocols including OpenVPN(SSL), L2TP/IPSec and PPTP.  You can test its speed using various speed checking websites and each time, you are expected to find more or less similar results.
The speed for ExpressVPN on all its protocols is consistent and well up to the mark as compared to the original internet speed. However, at times, it may run slow but that would be probably because of traffic encryption that is a necessity to secure you private data from being breached.
The VPN could be used perfectly for all the computing devices whether computer, iPhone, iPad, iPad or Android machines.
Fast VPN Service
Following is the list of Top 10 Fastest VPN service according to the speed tests we have conducted. Also gives you their pricing so that you can find a balance between speed and price of Fast VPN Service you are going to buy:
VPN Service Starting Price Details 
IAPS VPN $12.95/Month View Details
HideMyAss $11.52/Month View Details
PureVPN $9.95/Month View Details
Express VPN $12.95/Month View Details
StrongVPN $7/Month View Details
Overplay VPN $9.95/Month View Details
ibVPN $4.95/Month View Details
Ivacy VPN $6.81/Month View Details
SwitchVPN $9.95/Month View Details
Private Internet Access $6.45/Month View Details
Hope you get the best speed VPN from the list given above. We will wait for your feedback in the comments area.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Unblock Newzbin 2 in UK

Users worldwide have been longing to find a concrete source that could help them access the content  on Usenet, a distributed discussion system used across the globe. Of late, array of websites have flourished that allow easy indexing and categorization of the data contained at Usenet, among all of them, Newzbin 2 holds special significance.
However, due to restriction on this particular site in UK owing to copyright infringement charges, chances are higher that users may be barred to leverage its services. In October, 2011, the UK court has ordered BT to block Newzbin 2 and if things continue to proceed like this way then in the coming future, certain other filesharing sites and ISPs may also be asked to do the same. Considering such a crisis, the alternate methods to unblock Newzbin2 in UK are being most sought after.

What is Newzbin 2?

Ever since the original ruling came into existing in July 2011, followed by the latest judgment to block Newzbin 2 in October, the site has created waves, tempting the internet users to know more about it. In a nutshell, it is the website to index British Usenet data and is highly preferred over the rest of other websites that intend to serve this very purpose.
Its major strength lies in the introduction of brand new search techniques complemented well with sophisticated technologies that enable the access of Usenet content far easier. Earlier, in May 18, 2010, the site was shut down temporarily due to some legal action against it. But it resumed its services on the worldwide web right in the next month with the name of Newzbin 2 with which it is known since then.

How it makes things easier?

Newzbin 2 makes it easier to download or search for the metadata files that could accelerate the otherwise sluggish process of downloading files from Usenet servers. The files thus obtained may be any text file, pdf, image or audio clips. It could also be used to access TV shows, music albums, films and more in video format from Usenet at a faster speed.
Currently, the services of Newzbin2 consists of two distinct types of listings depending on their availability on Usenet, the first one is Reports view and the other one. To know more about its services, you can always be its registered member.

But why is it restricted?

The court in UK has ordered BT to block this website due to the charges that it has violated the copyrights rules. This has come as a sad news for millions of Newzbin users spread in UK since they won’t be able to use its facilities anymore.

Unblock Newzbin 2?

Newzbin2 has recently released an advanced tool to get even with DNS blocking.Now Its anti-censorship client not only includes such a feature on its own website but has also enabled its use on the most religiously browsed torrent site, The Pirate Bay.
Alternatively, users can also seek the facilities of VPN service providers to satisfy such a cause. There are myriad VPNs that are meant to adhere to the specific tasks of the users, be it to watch a streaming website or to communicate with others over a secured network. Same can also be used to access Newzbin 2 as well.
Here you go with the Top 8 VPN Service Provider that allow users to Unblock Newzbin 2 in UK:

Friday 4 November 2011

Best VPN For Linux (Ubuntu & Fedora)

Linux program is a much in need OS when it comes to featuring security for your confidential information and its safe clue online. The same very well with Linux program VPN where the os accomplishes its process of keeping person's secrecy online in both of its Ie8 and Fedora designs. VPN solutions are quick to provide their remedies on these Linux program centered OS as well along with House windows, Mac, Android OS and other OS. Let us know more about them here in details.

Linux VPN 
VPN or the online confidential community, as apparent, allows you to have on with your web pursuits without the invasion of any third party. Whether you are giving a unit put in at some other pc attached to the community, or you want accessibility a clogged internet site, to do these and many more identical duties, VPN is the best method. VPN on Linux program (Ubuntu & Fedora) is valuable in the feeling that it allows people to be at the getting end of even better security measures as opposed to other devices.

Best VPN requirements for Linux
Varied VPN standards can be used to provide your objective of being private online, such as:

IPSEC: Once properly designed, IPSec is previously one of the safest VPN protocols and is available with two visible implementations, one of them being FreeS/WAN that has been identified into Openswan and Strongswan. The other rendering is a piece of KAME Job from the common Unix system, BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution), also known as Berkley Unix.

OpenVPN: The SSL based VPN, or the OpenVPN has accumulated high eminence in the current times since it demands only one of the UDP or TCP ports to tunnel the visitors. It is essentially a browser centered proxy server and hence can be used for business implementations. With, it also has full-tunneled implementations. Among all the free VPN requirements, OpenVPN supports the difference of being the most mature and feature-rich.

PPTP: The Point-to-Point Tunneling method will work on Data Weblink Part of the OSI style. It can be adequately used with Linux/BSD, windows and MacOS and hence is a favorite decision of most of the businesses. For Linux program, it will work best with the PoPToP server.

Best VPN providers for Linux
It will depend on your decision whether you want to use Fedora or Ubuntu to go to your VPN; the VPN providers that service Linux program OS are more or less the same for both the designs.

Pure VPN: It is properly appropriate with Linux program and provides a powerful 128-bit security that keeps all the spying little brown eyes away from your community, even your own ISP. There is safe and quick remedies to create your electric community safer than ever and can be used of at a establishing cost of only $9.95. With its machines distribute across 13 nations, it is a sensible option to opt for.

HideMyAss: The VPN with its existence in as many as 33 nations and having more than 21000 IPs is certainly viewed as to be among the best ones. Its control series centered Linux program edition assists keep the cyber-terrorist at bay. Moreover, it also creates way for increased security measures and security with its Open VPN relationship.

IAPS VPN: A side of IAPS security measures remedies, this VPN Company creates up comprehensive security measures program for its users. It can be quickly used with Linux program as with all the other devices and has its servers located in more than 60 nations, which in itself is simply amazing. The VPN provides its consumers with an auto-dialer to help them move between machines with convenience.

StrongVPN: It is one of the most common VPNs among the online people, thanks to the large amount of security measures it features. With over 8265 IP covers on 259 machines found in a amazing 19 areas all throughout the world; it is indeed a bankable VPN when it comes to camouflaging your personality online. It is properly appropriate with Linux program and also provides a precise manual to manage VPN for Linux program.

Thursday 3 November 2011

VPN for your craved TV shows

TV shows are the real entertainers that are promising enough to rejuvenate your spirits, no matter if you are tired, feeling sad or are finding it hard to spend your leisure. A roster of TV channels exists that allow you to watch your best shows online while you are in your country, whether US, UK, Canada or elsewhere. However, the problem arises when you are out of your country and are desirous to enjoy your favorite TV shows. Most of the streaming channels such as Hulu, NetFlix or BBC iPlayer are blocked in the foreign countries. Thankfully, the services of VPNs are here to come to your rescue from such a plight.  
VPN for streaming channels
When it comes to selecting VPNs for watching TV channels online, you can consider from among loads of vendors depending on the channels they can allow you to access. If you prefer to watch USA and UK TV watching, numerous VPN providers could help your cause, prominent of them being Hide MyAss, StrongVPN and ExpressVPN among others. For German shows, you can switch over to Pure VPN or Happy-VPN. In China, you can use IAPS, OverPlay and WiTopia among others. Likewise, there are legions or other VPN providers as well that allow you to explore the restricted streaming websites in your current location.
Why watch TV shows via VPN
There is absolutely no dearth of TV programs in the world of entertainment with each of them promising to leave the viewers spellbound with their gripping attractions. Each country has its own specific TV shows that have created waves among the connoisseurs of art and entertainment. However, you may remain aloof of watching such programs via streaming if you are an expat or if you simply want to watch shows from other countries even if you are a foreigner. With the help of VPN you can relish all such channels without any restriction on your android vpn phone or iphone and ipad.

Most popular Streaming TV websites
In US, Hulu has been doing rounds now for quite a few years with shows of the likes of Desperate Housewives, TED Talks, Saturday Night Live and more creating waves among the ardent aficionados. Netflix is yet another on-demand internet streaming media that offers exclusive TV shows and movies in picture perfect DVD quality to be seen on your computer, TV, gaming consoles and certain other devices. The UK based BBC iPlayer is a widely used website accessed by the people in UK as well as those in other parts of the world (with the help of VPN). The prominent internet TV and radio service is home to a flurry of TV and radio shows from BBC. 
Among the other prominent websites, Zattoo is a renowned Internet Protocol Television system based in Switzerland that was created to stream 2006 FIFA World Cup in Switzerland. At present people belonging to Denmark, Spain, Germany, Norway, UK, France alongside Switzerland are able to access its services. Don’t bother if you are beyond the reach of these countries, VPN is always there to help you. 4oD, the video on demand service from UK broadcaster channel 4 is the next big thing to watch for. You can explore its website to watch TV shows that recently appeared on E4, More4, Channel4 or those from the company’s archives.
Bottom Line: TV shows are a matter of amusement for all and sundry, be it a child or a grown up person. While you are in your own country, watching such shows through streaming websites is not an issue. However, the problem arises when you are in some foreign location and just struggle to watch your favorite shows. VPN come to your help in such a condition and allows you to access the streaming websites that are otherwise blocked in that particular location.
: Author is a VPN Service Expert and writes for various VPN Reviews and News websites. He is also an VPN for iPhone 4S geek and you can follow him on @marksmith_bvs 