
Monday 12 December 2011

Best SSH VPN Services

SSH VPN or Tunnel or the Secure Shell has proved its mettle as a concrete filter bypassing tool in locations where the concerned authorities have blocked even VPNs. Specifically, the newly introduced SSH2 protocol has played an eminent role in allowing the exchange of duly secure and encrypted data from source to destination servers.
With the help of these SSH protocols, you can easily deal with the internet censorship provided that you get a capable service provider in this domain. Sensing its importance on a global platter, legions of VPN providers have also barged their way into providing efficient and effective SSH tunneling services.

SSH Tunnel

The Secure Shell (SSH) tunnel protects your selected applications from being blocked by keeping them inside a tunnel and leaves the other occasionally used applications outside.  To execute such a significant task, it leverages the assistance of a program called SOCKS5 Proxy.
This exclusive feature gives the SSH a substantial edge over the other protocols that are used by the VPN. However, for successful functioning of the SSH tunnel, it is connected to a VPN client.

SSH Tunnel Security

Using SSH protocol assures high-level security to your confidential data. While using it, even if the internet connection breaks in between, there would be no further transfer of data from your end. This would put an immediate break to the traffic until the connection is reinitiated.
If you are using any other protocol to establish a VPN connection, you may have to rely on a firewall or a third-party product that could obviate the transfer of data in case of VPN connection failure.

SSH VPN Benefits

Leveraging SSH to bypass filtering allows you to avail of multifarious advantages. To start with, it keeps you totally anonymous over the internet despite of the fact that it is not a regular VPN protocol. Additionally, it can be set up on any network all across the word and is perfectly compatible with the readily used operating systems such as Windows, Linux and Mac.
It provides you with a unique IP address from your preferred server location and allows you to access all the blocked streaming websites without hassles; the fact that it runs on TCP Port 22 helps this cause. If VPNs are giving you cold vibes owing to the apprehensions of internet threats such as IP spoofing, source routing, DNS spoofing, SSH is a feasible choice to opt for.

Best SSH VPN Services

In the already established market of VPNs, those offering SSH VPN services may have found it hard to make a mark in the initial stages. However, due to the rapidly increasing cases of internet censorship in different parts of the world including Middle East, Asia, China, Australia and more, that block even the VPNs, users worldwide have turned their heads towards the SSH protocol to get even with the internet restrictions.
This has in turn fuelled the popularity of this useful protocol among the service providers that have been offering services related to only VPN till now. Below mentioned SSH VPN are among the prominent ones to offers flawless services of SSH tunnel to help you access the blocked websites without bothering about being tracked.
Provider Starting Price Details
IAPS VPN $14.95/Month View Details
TuVPN $12/Month View Details
Tunnelr $5/Month View Details
TorVPN $6.70/Month View Details

There are currently not many VPN Services that also offer SSH tunnels, however, many have promised to launch it in the coming months. We will keep adding more and more SSH tunnels in this list, so stay tuned and bookmark this page for the industry wide list of commercial and personal SSH VPN Services.
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to remain updated with all the everything on VPN Services.

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Free VPN For Android

Android operated handheld devices have left a deep impact on the technology lovers in the past few years. The manufacturers of these latest gadgets have given a stiff competition to the others in the industry and their bearable prices further act as big motivators for the customers to grab their finest models at the earnest. The latest addition to these technologically enhanced Smartphones is the VPN feature.

Android VPN

Companies into the manufacturing of Android phones are quick to adopt this innovative trend and care to embellish their devices with VPNs that could support as many protocols as they can. But in order to get the feature activated, you would require subscribing the services of a VPN provider.
Of late, many such vendors are there to provide services for computers. However, with the intensifying demand of VPNs for mobile phone, they have made their foray into this particular domain as well. Currently, Android VPN is a hot property and has been successful in grabbing the attention of business people and individuals. While some of them accompany a hefty price tag, others could allow you to connect to your preferred VPN servers free of cost.

Paid VPN for Android

The market is all flooded with VPNs offering paid VPN services for android. However, instantly choosing any of them would not be a smart decision since they may cost your pocket a dearer amount. Considerable research is therefore important as it could help you figure out the best ones among the wide range available in the market.
Ahead of opting for a paid VPN, a better option would be to try one that offers free Android VPN offered by the vendors or those offering 3-5 day trial packages. In case the service suits your requirement, you can then go for their paid versions without any doubts.

Free Android VPN

In situations, where your VPN Service utilization is limited to only few activities for which you don’t want a high speed or a greater bandwidth, free Android VPNs could be a better choice. The activities may include checking emails once or twice on your private network or to check out the mobile edition of a newspaper that is blocked in your current location.You can also look out for short video clips on streaming websites that could keep you aware of the happenings on your favorite TV programs.

Best Free VPN for Android

Free Android VPNs have widespread availability in the online market. Most of the topnotch service providers are also game with the idea to offer VPN services for Android phones at no extra charge for few days. Such types of offers may be a part of well-planned marketing strategy by the VPN providers to enable the customers make up their mind choose and buy the best VPNs. Cyberghost VPN holds the distinction of being among the most renowned ones in this line of free Android VPNs, which is closely followed by Cryptocloud. Other significant Android VPNs that could be used absolutely free of cost include ibVPNGoTrusted, proXPN and so on. The detailed list is given below for your help. Here at Free VPN for Android you can access the full list of top Android VPN providers.

VPN for VoIP | Best VoIP VPN

Much has been talked about VoIP and the exclusive communication facility it offers. However, using VoIP all alone could be at times insecure since the protocol you use to communicate can be easily decrypted. To combat such a situation, use of VPN gives you added security over your VoIP network.
In addition there are many countries and regions where VOIP has been completely blocked, therefore to unblock it, VPN is needed.  Let us know more about this beneficial technology, VoIP and its effective bond with VPN.
What is VoIP?
You would instantly raise your voice in the favor of Voice over Internet Protocol to cite as an instant answer for this question (we are so prompt in telling the full forms of abbreviations). However, you may face problems in defining its real meaning except the fact that is something related to Skype and helps you to get connected with one of your many girl friends located abroad through voice communication.
Jokes apart, VoIP is much more than that. Not restricted to merely Skype, it refers to an entire clan that comprises of some of the most widely used technologies, protocols, procedures, and techniques for successful accomplishment of multimedia sessions, heavily dominated by voice communication over your regular internet network.
 How does VoIP work?
It is a bit intricate matter to deal with, knowing the functioning of a VoIP, still lets hope that you can grasp the next few lines. To establish connection through VoIP, you would first need a VoIP gateway router. The process thus includes:
  • Receipt of voice signals through router from the other source in analog form,
  • Conversion of analog signals into digital format
  • Encapsulating the voice thus converted to digital format, into IP packets
  • Encrypting the same with the help of IPSec
  • Routing the encrypted packets via VPN tunnel in a secure manner
The same procedure is followed at the other end with the difference that the voice received at the VoIP router installed there converts the voice from digital form to analog signal so that the voice message could be conveyed at that side conveniently.
Role of VPN in VoIP
If you notice keenly, then we have already mentioned its role in the working of VoIP. Still, to elaborate further, VPN creates an additional tunneling layer to transfer the data packets from your side to other after encapsulating and encrypting it through proper mechanism through VPN Protocol. VPN integration enables you to undergo duly secure voice communication over the VoIP channel. It utilizes 128-bit AES technique for encryption that is impossible to decrypt by some intruder and hence paves for its enhanced security.
With a VPN, you get the freedom to speak freely and unlimited without concerning about safety and security. Plus you get to unblock Skype and other VOiP messengers in countries where it is blocked.
Best VPN Service for VoIP
Almost all the topmost VPN service providers allow flawless communication over the Voice over IP. You can approach any of them to help your cause. However, whether they offer VoIP services at your current location could be deciding factor to choose the best one.
Alongside, the price considerations should also be taken care of.  Make sure to look after the log policies of these VPN providers, your data is extremely confidential and you would certainly want to have a VPN that could provide you full assurance that their services are free of data logging.

Saturday 3 December 2011

Best VPN to Play Geo-Blocked USA Games

Gripping online games help you to make best utilization of your leisure, irrespective of your current location. For sure, your interest keeps on attaining the new heights along with the continuous stages you conquer. Be it an Arcade game, or a game from Xbox, your romance with it only increases with the passing time. However, there are games that you can enjoy in their primary locations only, for example the arcade games that originate in US. If you are currently residing in some foreign country, say Japan, or in any part of the world. You may be deprived of playing them. Thankfully, VPN is here to your rescue in such a situation.

The craze of online games

People of almost all age group, from kids to grownups and from teen to old, sometimes or the other relate themselves with online games. The reason could be any and many, it could be because of the exciting features, the thrilling suspense, the urge to reach higher in the game or the feeling of a winner these games help relishing while competing with someone else online. USA, no doubt has been the pick of manufacturers of these spellbinding games that keeps on fueling the interest of gamers worldwide with brand new versions.

Restriction on USA games

While most of the games developed in US can be enjoyed by users residing anywhere else in the world, some have still strict restrictions; they cannot be played outside US due to the nation’s intrinsic security & privacy policies. Hence, unfortunately, you cannot play a US game in Japan or in different other countries until and unless there is a bypassing tool for filtration.

Ways to bypass filtering

Varied ways can be adopted that could help you get the access to US sites in Japan so that you may continue playing your favorite games. Use of proxy websites is a considerable option in this regard. Alternatively, specialized software could also be used for the purpose However; these and many other similar modes often pose the threat of being tracked by the concerned authorities.  The best mode in this regard would be to use the services of a virtual private network.
VPN for USA games
Seeking help of any of the VPNs in other than US will make it easier for you to play US games right outside US. While you approach any of them, the service provider would connect you to a server based in US. Consequently, you will get an IP address representing a location in US that will help you play the games without being tracked by the owners or any other third party. In the market, you can find various VPN service providers that would enable you to satisfy this craved cause. All you need is to perform a sedate research and select the best one for the job. HideMyAss, StrongVPN, PureVPN are some of the prominent VPN Vendors in this context.
Games that need US IP to Play / Download
Here I have sorted out list of your favorite games that can be played or downloaded through a US IP address which is surely require to have VPN Service if you are willing to use it from outside US.
VPN Providers to play US Games vis US IP
There are hundreds of VPN Providers in the industry who claims to be one of the best in doing their job. But not all compatible and reliable according to the changing and highly featured need of the market and user. But still there are many who are entertaining the users with the best technology. Here is the list of Top 10 VPN Providers that offer US IP which is highly recommended to play US Games in or from outside US.

Friday 2 December 2011

VPN for South Africa | Access all International Websites from RSA

VPN has become an essential need of the internet users all round the globe and it is indeed a remarkable tool to maintain your secrecy while using the services of worldwideweb. For the same reason, its utilization while you are in South Africa is no doubts a wide decision, no matter if you are living in this African nation or are here for an extended business trip.

The need for VPN for South Africa

  • Assuring security for sensitive data: Most of the multinational companies having their branches in South Africa would prefer to have a virtual private network that could provide them with added security for all their confidential data.
  • Continue with business: In order to communicate with the employees, end users or business associates located in South Africa, conglomerates leverage the might of VPNs. This not only helps them to exchange test messages via chats and emails, but also allows them to have a voice and video chat with them via VoIP.
  • Bypass filtering in South Africa: Like in all the other countries, internet censorship in South Africa is also quite a possibility. You may not be able to access a website due to restrictions by the government. Hence, in order to open such websites such as any news site or website that fetched information about the government policies and so on.
  • Watching Streaming web portals: Websites of the likes of Hulu, Netflix, Pandora, BBC iPlayer and many more are the all time favorites of the connoisseurs of entertainment. But unfortunately, these sites are restricted from use outside their originating location. As a result, you may have to compromise since you cannot watch them in South Africa. But with the capable services of a VPN, you can assure for maximum enjoyment from the exciting TV programs and videos on these sites. In that case vpn is being the most efficient and reliable tool to watch hulu, netflix outside US.
  • Filesharing: This one important activity has been long drawing the attention of prying eyes. While using Bit Torrent to share files through the P2P protocol, it is likely that the file owners identify you. This may drag you into serious legal matters leading you to pay for the file sharing act in terms of a lumpsum amount or some other punishment of mild or severe nature.  Thankfully, by seeking the help of a VPN provider, you can get rid of such a misery and can carry on with your file sharing tasks without the apprehensions of being tracked.

How VPN helps

The virtual private network allows you to create a secure network over the regular internet connection that hides your original IP and pretends to be operating from some other chosen IP. While you are in South Africa, you can contact any of the prominent VPN service providers in your specific location to assure total anonymity over the internet.
This also safeguards your important digital data from being intruded during their exchange to some other destination.

Choosing best VPN for South Africa

You can consider a list of parameters before opting for a suitable VPN for South Africa. The server location is among the prominent factors to look for. If you are unable to access the websites of a particular country only because your VPN is not providing the IP address of that specific location, it is better not to opt for such service provider.
Other essential considerations in this regard may include cost, discounts, packages, speed, protocol, browser computability, ease of use, customer interface, reliability, security, payment modes and so on. Once you are able to choose a VPN that matches perfectly on your preferred criterion, you are sure to leverage the services of VPN for South Africa unplugged.

Thursday 1 December 2011

Mark Zukerberg Agreed Facebook Committed Privacy Blunders!!

Mark-Zuckerberg-Facebook-Privacy-MistakesFacebook agrees to settle its disputes with FTC regarding the charges of user’s privacy violations.
In a most recent official blog post released on November29, 2011 from Facebook, its founder mark Zuckerberg has agreed to abide by the instructions as per levied by the FTC concerning the flaws in privacy matters of the social networking site.
The decision from Facebook came inspite of the charges imposed by the Federal Trade Commission after going through an investigation apropos to a complaint filed in December 2009. The complaint thus made in the form of eight counts of privacy violations by the center mentioned about the users’ breach of privacy when the social networking site made some changes in its appearance alongside the other serious offenses.
In the blog post, Mark Zuckerberg himself admitted that a bunch of high profile mistakes made by his company has overshadowed the good work it has done. He further added that the company has provided the users with a unique platform where they can connect and share things with people of their acquaintance. In his admittance, he maintained that the website has always made noteworthy efforts to protect the privacy of users yet the company needs to do much more.
Earlier, the US FTC has closed similar agreements with Twitter and Google as well to make way for fresh privacy standards that could give the users more secure environment over the internet. This settlement from Facebook adds strength to its efforts on a broader perspective. This clearly indicates the volume concern for protection of consumer data in the US.
In his statement to respond to the move by the Facebook founder, Jon Leibowitz, chairman of the FTC says, “Facebook is obligated to keep the promises about privacy that it makes to its hundreds of millions of users. Facebook’s innovation does not have to come at the expense of consumer privacy. The FTC action will ensure it will not”.
Further, expressing happiness on the Zuckerberg’s statement, he said, “I think it’s a really good sign that he acknowledges mistakes the company made,” Leibowitz said. “That can only be good for consumers.”
Among the eight counts of privacy violations, the most serious offence included the breach of private information of the users in public during changes in the website without any prior warning. Third party applications could comfortably access the user’s personal data that should have been limited to the use of some selected information otherwise.
Facebook committed not to share any of its user data with the advertisers, but it did.  Furthermore, it also allowed full access to the user content despite of the account being deleted.
In the settlement that Zuckerberg made, he agreed to remove all these and other flaws included in the eight-point count that could provide better transparency to the users while they share their private data through Facebook.